Single Stem Felt Lavender

Single Stem Felt Lavender


This felt lavender is a lovely wool-blend accessory perfect for home decor, a wedding bouquet, a gift for mom or a friend, or any other occasion! The flower is approximately 1cm in diameter and is set on a wired stem.


This listing is for one felt lavender. Add to your bouquet by selecting other felt flowers or greenery from our page!


These felt flowers are made using Benzie Wool Blend Felt, which is beautiful, soft, and strong. The lavender comes in, well, lavender, but for a similar flower with more color options, check out our listings for bluebonnets or gray wildflowers. If you'd like a custom color, just send us a message!


This handmade felt lavender is created from wool blend felt from merino sheep. It is attached to a floral wire stem and handmade in a smoke-free home. VASE IS NOT INCLUDED.


This stem measures approximately 8 inches tall.


All Z+K blooms are custom-made and take approximately 2-3 weeks to ship.

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